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Blog: MLK Day or President's Day?
Hallo... I connected with some friends and asked, whether their company gave them a holiday on MLK Day or President's Day? Most responded, President's Day and said, they have never received a holiday on MLK Day. Those who work in the public sector, automatically qualify. Personally, as CEO or decision-maker of my own company (some day), I would opt for MLK Day any day!

Why? When I think of MLK, I think about... Civil Rights, and am very grateful that we live in a time where civil rights, civil liberties, and all those wonderful freedom principles are the norm. Maybe that is a bit of a stretch, as we humans need more of an open-mind, but at least the roots have been grounded and ideas such as equality have been explored.

Yes, we are grateful for the presidents and glad they were born and guided America, but celebrating President Lincoln's birthday isn't that appealing to me. I would rather take the day off on MLK Day to walk down memory lane and retrace the steps to freedom. We have come far in this expanding yet shrinking world and there is further to go.

January 26th, 2005
